Domain lovers, or travel sites, this one is for you
I am as obsessed about buying domains as I am about my son, my husband and my business. But, with no time to develop the sites, I am selling them. Make me an offer. I’ve owned these domains for years. They need a showcase. Could you be the one? travel.joburg visit.joburg visit.durban goto.joburg goto.durban Buy …

Lately, I’ve been doing my fair share of pitching. Whether a customer pitch, or for investment, life …. is …. a … pitch! Looking back over the years and the cycles my business has gone through, I have been fortunate to experience and compete in a few competitions. In the beginning they may not have …

YouTube Favourites
These are some of my favourite YouTube channels for laughs, inspiration, motivation and learning. Business Gary Vaynerchuk Tony Robbins Marie Forleo Chase Jarvis Entrepreneur Evan Carmichael Foundr Magazine Tim Ferris Tom Bilyeu Vayner Media Inspirational Ellen Oprah Get Motivated Sales Grant Cardone Mind Brene Brown Spirit Deepak Chopra Satya Kalra Laughter James Corden Jimmy Fallon …
Business Portfolio
Business #4: The International Digital Accreditation Association (TIDAA) Founded: 2016 Funded: Self-funded Services TIDAA Funding raised: No. Customers: 100 listings Revenue: Listing site. Website: www.tidaa.org Status: Currently operational. Business #3: Onyx Interweb Founded: 2010 Funded: Self-funded Service Business: Digital agency, management consultancy Customers: Yes. Revenue: Yes. Website: www.onyxinterweb.com Status: Currently operational. Business #2: Infointeg (PTY) Ltd Founded: 2009 as Infointeg CC …

Writing – One of my many passions – writing about anything and everything. And, add to this my twist, it has to find the funny side of life. I’ve written a few blog posts and articles and will post them as they are released, here are some of the first: Brand South Africa: Go for …