Showing 8 Result(s)

There is no such thing as free lunch …

I’ve just completed a call with a former client who is having the “age-old” issue of people wanting free goodies or services without anything in return. Nothing in life is free. In business especially, there is always a cost (in fact many many costs). Using an example of when people ask for me to speak …

Lessons when hiring technical people

Since 2004 (first company), I’ve been interacting with developers, as one myself and managing many. Over the years, I have started to notice a trend. (These are all personal interactions with developers across the board, locally and internationally, junior and senior.) There are very few great developers who are so passionate about coding and care …

2018 F**k resolutions, say hello to goals instead

Why do resolutions have such a ….. well, negative connotation, in my opinion anyway? Maybe, because as human beings (and according to science) when it comes to changing habits, is not easy to do as they are automatic or “conditioned” responses. When we set these new year resolutions, we make them, and usually it is …


Get out of our heads and do. Get out of our comfort zones and be stretched. Hear from those who have been there, done that and have the battle scars to impart wisdom. These are some of the channels, podcasts I listen to which help when the challenges are many. Enjoy! Inspiration Marie Forleo Comedy …

Startup Tip

Make entering competitions a strategy to refine your business plan, get professional feedback and free media exposure. You may win cash and / or business support but if not, you’ve improved your idea and business strategy. – Shana Kay