Showing 10 Result(s)

Spotlight “Otherwise” Interview

Interview Spotlight Interview on SAFM Listening to this interview, almost ten if not more years old, there are still some key take-aways that work such as: the IT is a great industry for women it allows (more than ever) flexibility in areas such as working remotely it allows for global accessibility it allows for quick …

YouTube Favourites

These are some of my favourite YouTube channels for laughs, inspiration, motivation and learning. Business Gary Vaynerchuk Tony Robbins Marie Forleo Chase Jarvis Entrepreneur Evan Carmichael Foundr Magazine Tim Ferris Tom Bilyeu Vayner Media Inspirational Ellen Oprah Get Motivated Sales Grant Cardone Mind Brene Brown Spirit Deepak Chopra Satya Kalra Laughter James Corden Jimmy Fallon …

About Shana Kay

Name: Shana Kay Derman Date of Birth: 16 May Word: Succeed Feeling: Happy Cannot Live Without: My son, my husband, my friends, my family, my concealer, laughter, happiness, walking, sunshine. Passion Entrepreneurship, technology, writing, business, painting, dancing, sharing, giving, laughing, creating, business development, idea generation, strategy Hobbies Painting, running, walking, writing poetry, blogging, reading, photography, vision boarding. Interests …


Writing – One of my many passions – writing about anything and everything. And, add to this my twist, it has to find the funny side of life. I’ve written a few blog posts and articles and will post them as they are released, here are some of the first: Brand South Africa: Go for …

Talks this month

This month marks Women’s month and there are a few awesome things happening: Women’s Day Breakfast Networking hosting by Standard Bank Date: 05 August 2017 Location: Johannesburg Showcase for Women’s Day via Standard Bank’s Women in Technology Accelerator Date: 30 August 2017 Location: Johannesburg Women’s Day Networking Event hosted by The Business Exchange: Date: 10 …