Showing 3 Result(s)


Giving is easy, or so I thought until 2008 when I decided to host a Toy Drive ( to raise toys (we can discuss what constitutes a toy in another post (“,)) for orphanages and hospitals. I’ve always respected those who live for others, but until this point, I had no idea what this actually …

On being a recovering “busy” person

I’ve always believed that being “busy” is being productive. Do you feel the same way? If not, I’ll share my story with you. I am not quite sure where the drive to be busy continuously came from, but busy-ness, in my world, meant working crazy hours, sleeping few hours, working weekends and most importantly the …

On toddlers

When people say, what until the “terrible-twos”, I feel like saying, “go ahead and say wait until he becomes a delinquent”. What do people assume that all toddlers will be bad? I believe there are certain developmental aspects that children go through, such as boundary-testing, but I believe they can still go through it without …