Showing 2 Result(s)

About Shana Kay

Name: Shana Kay Derman Date of Birth: 16 May Word: Succeed Feeling: Happy Cannot Live Without: My son, my husband, my friends, my family, my concealer, laughter, happiness, walking, sunshine. Passion Entrepreneurship, technology, writing, business, painting, dancing, sharing, giving, laughing, creating, business development, idea generation, strategy Hobbies Painting, running, walking, writing poetry, blogging, reading, photography, vision boarding. Interests …


Entrepreneurship is my world. Startups, coaching, being in the thick of it, building something that is greater than the sum of one. My latest venture is my most challenging and rewarding simultaneously. I’ve been fortunate to have participated in some vigorous competitions and pitch battles and still stand so …. bring on the rest ;). …