Showing 64 Result(s)

Blast from the past, how things have changed since 2011?

Searching for IntelliCred videos, I came across this video uploaded on the 19th of April, 2011 (although recorded prior to that) while working on the Old Mutual “Do Great Things” campaign. How things have changed. We went from a 2 partner software development company, to a 4 partner software development company with 40 staff by …

On toddlers

When people say, what until the “terrible-twos”, I feel like saying, “go ahead and say wait until he becomes a delinquent”. What do people assume that all toddlers will be bad? I believe there are certain developmental aspects that children go through, such as boundary-testing, but I believe they can still go through it without …

Edge Case: Nested And Mixed Lists

Nested and mixed lists are an interesting beast. It’s a corner case to make sure that Lists within lists do not break the ordered list numbering order Your list styles go deep enough. Ordered – Unordered – Ordered ordered item ordered item unordered unordered ordered item ordered item ordered item ordered item Ordered – Unordered …

On in-laws and relationships

Today at our usual Sunday lunch, my in-laws were discussing the fact that they have been together for 66 years. Wow, that’s longer than most people live. What an achievement. What an inspiration. Congratulations and may you have many more happy years to come.

Wishing for time

When I put my baby to bed at night, as I sit on our rocking chair, rocking away, holding the bottle, usually in the dark, my mind is suddenly made aware of where it has gone. Most times, it is randomly reviewing the day and I have to stop myself. The crazy part is that …

Bangalore 2014

I had no idea I would end up in Bangalore this month. Initially, there was a plan, but as one knows, plans change. So in the month of October, I have been to: JHB > Rome > Florence > Tuscany: Bagni Da Lucca, Lucca > Paris (Airport) > Amsterdam (Airport) > Rome (Airport) > JHB …