Showing 7 Result(s)

2018 F**k resolutions, say hello to goals instead

Why do resolutions have such a ….. well, negative connotation, in my opinion anyway? Maybe, because as human beings (and according to science) when it comes to changing habits, is not easy to do as they are automatic or “conditioned” responses. When we set these new year resolutions, we make them, and usually it is …

YouTube Favourites

These are some of my favourite YouTube channels for laughs, inspiration, motivation and learning. Business Gary Vaynerchuk Tony Robbins Marie Forleo Chase Jarvis Entrepreneur Evan Carmichael Foundr Magazine Tim Ferris Tom Bilyeu Vayner Media Inspirational Ellen Oprah Get Motivated Sales Grant Cardone Mind Brene Brown Spirit Deepak Chopra Satya Kalra Laughter James Corden Jimmy Fallon …

About Shana Kay

Name: Shana Kay Derman Date of Birth: 16 May Word: Succeed Feeling: Happy Cannot Live Without: My son, my husband, my friends, my family, my concealer, laughter, happiness, walking, sunshine. Passion Entrepreneurship, technology, writing, business, painting, dancing, sharing, giving, laughing, creating, business development, idea generation, strategy Hobbies Painting, running, walking, writing poetry, blogging, reading, photography, vision boarding. Interests …

Business Portfolio

Business #4: The International Digital Accreditation Association (TIDAA) Founded: 2016 Funded: Self-funded Services TIDAA Funding raised: No. Customers: 100 listings Revenue: Listing site. Website: Status: Currently operational. Business #3: Onyx Interweb Founded: 2010 Funded: Self-funded Service Business: Digital agency, management consultancy Customers: Yes. Revenue: Yes. Website: Status: Currently operational. Business #2: Infointeg (PTY) Ltd Founded: 2009 as Infointeg CC …


Get out of our heads and do. Get out of our comfort zones and be stretched. Hear from those who have been there, done that and have the battle scars to impart wisdom. These are some of the channels, podcasts I listen to which help when the challenges are many. Enjoy! Inspiration Marie Forleo Comedy …


In today’s digitally-connected era, the misconception that thousands of followers or Facebook friends indicate true connections or friendships is mis-guided. Science and Robin Dunbar (Dunbar’s number) indicates that as humans, we can maintain about 150 social relationships with as little as 5 to 15 being in our inner circle. So what have we lost and what …