Showing 5 Result(s)

Lessons when hiring technical people

Since 2004 (first company), I’ve been interacting with developers, as one myself and managing many. Over the years, I have started to notice a trend. (These are all personal interactions with developers across the board, locally and internationally, junior and senior.) There are very few great developers who are so passionate about coding and care …

The Drive – YouTube Channel

I’ve been taking videos of me, in the car, mostly not driving, but if I am the phone is away and I am not looking at it :), to document lessons, my journey etc. Watch, subscribe and comment (if you like) here: I hope to share lessons, tips, contacts, resources and more in this “show”. …

Entrepreneurship hockey stick or heart rate monitor?

Entrepreneurship is not for the fainthearted “they” say. Who the hell are “they”? Irrespective of who “they” may be, experience tells me “they” may be right. However, with the major down cycles are major up cycles. I started my first business in 2004 with two co-founders. One CTO and one CEO and I was …. …


Life lessons cannot be paid for. Most times they can be the most unpleasant of experiences but the end result, is mostly one of growth, discovery and learning. Since my 30th birthday, life has been teaching me many, many – oh many lessons (as I say this, picture me slamming my hand against my head, …

On toddlers

When people say, what until the “terrible-twos”, I feel like saying, “go ahead and say wait until he becomes a delinquent”. What do people assume that all toddlers will be bad? I believe there are certain developmental aspects that children go through, such as boundary-testing, but I believe they can still go through it without …