Source: The Business Exchange invitation

Women’s Month 2017 approaching

Women’s month always fascinates me. It feels like once a month, in an ENTIRE year, women are pampered, praised and made the centre of attention. Sure there are always programs and events geared especially for women, but somehow August is where it is all at.

I often get asked to speak, addressing a group of sassy, savvy women, some in business for themselves and some in corporate jobs. But what really interests me, is when we are invited to breakfast, pampering sessions, where tea and facials are highlight.

SURE! I love being pampered. But what I LOVE more is engaging with smart women, who want to be and do more.

So my session is really not going to be about me (well not mostly anyway) but tips and tools which help me be more of who I am meant to be, be stronger, and get to be more on par with changing the world. Because what I really want and need more than anything, are tools to equip me in this time-frantic-economy. (Am I wrong about this?? Drop me an email if I am.)

We need to be armed with the tools we are not naturally gifted with. Some of us are born with assertion, some of us not. Some of us need to speak up more, some can’t stop and listen. I feel that when companies want to do something good for us, it mostly defaults to tea and pampering sessions, what to wear in business or simply listening to someone speak for ages.

This women’s month, dare to be different. Dare to say, I’d like a side of “how-to-kick-ass-in-X,Y,Z” with my wine. This month, do something special for that woman in your life. Look for cues as to what she needs.

Women’s day for me is like my birthday with my mom who buys a pair of slippers for me EVERY year. Don’t get me wrong, ironically every year, I do need a new pair. But every now and then, I wish she would surprise me with something different, not more expensive or fancy, just different.

In this light, I invite you, the woman of the new age, to join me at The Business Exchange Women’s Day networking event, at the Sandton location, more information is detailed in the Invitation below. Please RSVP to Nadine.

See you there!

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